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Wild Tring is a group of local wildlife enthusiasts committed to raising awareness of the urban wildlife which lives with us in our homes and gardens. Some species of wildlife, such as the Hedgehog and the Swift have shown a serious decline and they need a helping hand. We aim to encourage Tring residents to make their homes, gardens and streets as wildlife friendly as possible. Join us to help wildlife.


Its Hedgehog Awareness Week!

What you can do to help Hedgehogs

Swifts need your help!  Swift Talk and Walk - Tues 19th June

Between 1995 and 2015 the RSPB estimates a 51% decrease in the number of breeding Swifts in the UK making them an amber-listed species. Would you like to find out more about Swifts and what you can do to help them? Wild Tring has arranged a talk by Edward Mayer of Swift Conservation at 8:00pm in the Nora Grace Hall, Faversham Close, Tring HP23 5BA. This will be followed by a walk around Tring to try and try and see Swifts as they return to their nest sites in the evening. Free event but donations welcome. No booking needed. Contact vicky  at for more information.

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